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[藍光1080P] 蜘蛛人:穿越新宇宙(私人server@1080P@繁中) - [閱讀權限 10] attach_img agree  ...2 tendy1973 2023-8-22 11537 tendy1973 2024-4-29 22:58
[藍光1080P] 藍甲蟲 (MG/1080p/外掛繁中) -閱讀權限:10 attach_img calwen125 2023-11-1 3225 大波斯菊 2024-4-29 16:32
[網路1080P] 大谷翔平:超越夢想(紀錄片) 2023 (GD@[email protected] GB@繁中) - [閱讀權限 10]attach_img austindai 2023-11-20 5241 大波斯菊 2024-4-29 14:25
[4K] 蜂刑者(台) The Beekeeper attach_img  ...2 ChiuTF 2024-2-4 10501 bkhawk 2024-4-28 19:41
[網路1080P] 反叛之月-第2部:烙印之人 Rebel Moon-Part Two(1080P@繁中) - [閱... attach_img tendy1973 2024-4-28 095 tendy1973 2024-4-28 17:32
[藍光720P] 平行宇宙/平行穿越 Parallels 2015(MEGA@720P@ [email protected]@外掛繁中) attach_img ssan 2024-4-28 082 ssan 2024-4-28 14:19
[網路1080P] Redeeming Love縫補靈魂的天使((私人server@1080P@繁中) - [閱讀權... attach_img agree tendy1973 2024-4-21 3175 秘密客 2024-4-28 13:07
[藍光720P] 一夜狂奔(臺) Run.All.Night 2014 ( MEGA@720p@ MKV @3.45GB @外掛繁中) attach_img ssan 2024-4-27 0149 ssan 2024-4-27 13:11
[藍光720P] 即刻救援(台) 1+2+3 attach_img ChiuTF 2024-4-19 3160 ssan 2024-4-25 14:23
[藍光1080P] The Marvels/驚奇隊長2(私人server@1080P@繁中) - [閱讀權限 10] attach_img agree  ...23 tendy1973 2024-1-19 27558 icerushtea 2024-4-24 14:53
[藍光1080P] 哈利波特(全)(2001-2011@2D+3D@原碟ISO@1080P@台粤英配繁簡中字) - [閱讀權限 10]attach_img heatlevel  ...23456 liaojack8 2021-6-22 592122 louis741123 2024-4-24 00:21
[藍光1080P] 雷神索爾:愛與雷霆2022([email protected]@1080p@繁中) attach_img agree  ...234 homming69 2022-9-9 361085 XDD 2024-4-23 23:55
[網路720P] 花心大少闖情關_艾迪墨菲_1992 回味老片 superliteon 2024-4-15 382 windpathster 2024-4-21 12:47
[藍光1080P] 攻其不備 The Blind Side attach_img ChiuTF 2024-4-20 068 ChiuTF 2024-4-20 13:50
[網路1080P] 請問,還有哪裡需要加強 Miss Shampoo 2023 (GD@[email protected] GB@繁中) - [閱讀權限 10]attach_img agree  ...2 austindai 2023-12-31 12562 何凱蒂 2024-4-18 23:20
[藍光1080P] 西遊:降魔篇 attach_img ChiuTF 2023-12-4 3267 何凱蒂 2024-4-18 21:56
[藍光1080P] 侏羅紀世界-統霸天下 2022(gd-mp4-1920P-1.99GB-英語-繁中) - [閱讀權限 10]attach_img agree  ...2345 homming69 2022-7-14 471442 RyzenMaster 2024-4-18 11:09
[網路1080P] 古惑仔1-6合集 Young and Dangerous 1996~2000 (GD@1080P@41 GB@繁中) - [閱讀權限 10]attach_img agree austindai 2024-4-13 4140 Smith 2024-4-17 02:31
[網路1080P] 周處除三害 The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon 2023 (GD@[email protected] GB@繁中) - [閱讀權限 10]attach_img agree  ...2 austindai 2024-3-3 19578 Smith 2024-4-17 01:57
[藍光1080P] 絕對味覺情人 (MG/1080p/外掛繁中) -閱讀權限:10 attach_img calwen125 2023-11-15 7442 Smith 2024-4-17 01:51
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