
分享 人工素牛排新止痛藥
evan20 2022-4-2 01:51
瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工學院用豌豆蛋白開發出植物性牛排..具有與真正的牛排一樣獨特大理石紋脂肪。 * Raising the steaks: Scientists develop plant-based steaks from PEA PROTEIN - and they have the same distinctive fat marbling as the real deal The fake steak (pictured) uses pea protein for the red 'flesh' ...
219 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 2022-04-02
evan20 2022-4-2 01:46
20年了人類基因組終於完成了..我們的 DNA 大約30億個鹼基的無間隙序列.將有助於了解遺傳對疾病的貢獻。 * The human genome is finally COMPLETE: Scientists publish a gap-free sequence of roughly 3 BILLION bases in our DNA - 20 years after the first draft was produced A gap-free genome sequence will hel ...
224 次閱讀|0 個評論


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